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updated wed 23 jan 08


Peter Summar on tue 22 jan 08

My sincerest apologies for any confusion or inconvenience this change has caused. PotteryFinder was a pet project of my wife's who found she couldn't keep up with all the updates people were sending her and so abandoned the site not too long after starting it up. All pages and links were up and active until the end of 2007.

In late December, I had my web developer redirect the URL to the new site. Foxfire Pottery is my own attempt at starting an online store. In hindsight we should have sent out a mass email to everyone who submitted entries to have Pottery Finder removed.

Sorry for any inconveniences this has caused anyone. It wasn't meant to mislead in any way, it was just an idea that didn't pan out.

Thank you.

Peter Summar

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