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majolica reference books

updated tue 11 nov 97


Waldo, Carol on fri 7 nov 97

Does anyone know of good reference books on majolica? I would
specifically like instructional material. I'm really excited by some of
the work I've seen but there doesn't seem to be any workshops on the
subject in the Victoria area so I have almost no information on the
techniques, materials used, firing temperatures, etc.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.


Richard Kerbes on sat 8 nov 97


For books on majolica and earthenware, I suggest:

Levy, Mike, The complete Potter: Decorated Earthenware, B.T. Batsford
Ltd, London, 1992

Carnegy, Daphne, Tin-glazed Earthenware, A & C Black, London, 1993

Good luck with your majolica!!!

Eveline B. in Saskatoon

Neil Berkowitz on mon 10 nov 97

Eveline B. in Saskatoon wrote:
> Carol,
> For books on majolica and earthenware, I suggest:
> Levy, Mike, The complete Potter: Decorated Earthenware, B.T. Batsford
> Ltd, London, 1992
> Carnegy, Daphne, Tin-glazed Earthenware, A & C Black, London, 1993

In September, Half Price Books in Seattle had new, remaindered(?) copies
of the Carnegy book for $9.95 (lists for $34.95). They may still have
some left, which I imagine they could ship. Their phone is

Neil Berkowitz