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an artist scam making the rounds?

updated sat 22 sep 07


Jamie Yocono on fri 21 sep 07

I had something very odd happen a couple of weeks ago, and then recently
heard about it happening to another artist across the country. So I thought
I would post it here. Maybe some of you have had this happen to you, maybe not.

I received an e-mail from someone claiming to be in Iraq, but about to come
home. She said she had seen my website and was interested in buying a piece
of my furniture. She actually named the specific piece, so I know she's been
to my website. She proceeded to ask if the piece was still available, what
the price was, and what would shipping be to Pennsylvania, which is where
she would be returning.

I wrote back, saying I would need a little time to get a shipping quote.
When I finally responded with a price, she wrote back to say that she had
learned that the military would handle the shipping, and that she would be
able to pay the full amount, but that I would have to refund the shipping to

Fishy, eh?

My BS meter was approaching overload, and I wrote her back, saying it
sounded like a scam, and that I was going to turn her in to the military
authorities. OK, I wasn't really going to do that, but it worked, I never
heard from her again.

I sort of blew it off, but then last week, a friend across the country sent
me an e-mail and casually mentioned something similar happening to him. His
BS detector caught it, as well.

Anyway, just thought I would give everyone here a heads-up about this. If
anyone receives a similar e-mail from a supposed "soldier in Iraq", you
might want to pull a Rambo on them.

Jamie in Vegas

Lois Ruben Aronow on fri 21 sep 07

SCAM. A new twist, as they are tugging on your heartstrings.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of
> Jamie Yocono
> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 4:09 PM
> Subject: An artist scam making the rounds?
> I had something very odd happen a couple of weeks ago, and
> then recently heard about it happening to another artist
> across the country. So I thought I would post it here. Maybe
> some of you have had this happen to you, maybe not.
> I received an e-mail from someone claiming to be in Iraq, but
> about to come home. She said she had seen my website and was
> interested in buying a piece of my furniture. She actually
> named the specific piece, so I know she's been to my website.
> She proceeded to ask if the piece was still available, what
> the price was, and what would shipping be to Pennsylvania,
> which is where she would be returning.
> I wrote back, saying I would need a little time to get a
> shipping quote.
> When I finally responded with a price, she wrote back to say
> that she had learned that the military would handle the
> shipping, and that she would be able to pay the full amount,
> but that I would have to refund the shipping to her.
> Fishy, eh?
> My BS meter was approaching overload, and I wrote her back,
> saying it sounded like a scam, and that I was going to turn
> her in to the military authorities. OK, I wasn't really going
> to do that, but it worked, I never heard from her again.
> I sort of blew it off, but then last week, a friend across
> the country sent me an e-mail and casually mentioned
> something similar happening to him. His BS detector caught
> it, as well.
> Anyway, just thought I would give everyone here a heads-up
> about this. If anyone receives a similar e-mail from a
> supposed "soldier in Iraq", you might want to pull a Rambo on them.
> Jamie in Vegas
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