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paper on techniques for multipiece sculpture

updated tue 21 aug 07


Mars Chapman on sun 19 aug 07

Hi All!

I'm writing a short paper contrasting different techniques for
joining/stacking multi-piece vertical sculptures. I need some help in
finding resources for this subject. I could even use a post on this forum
if someone wants to explain a technique they use. I know more techniques
than I could ever write about, but what good is that knowledge without
something to put in the bibliography. I appreciate your sharing any
resources you know of.


Las Vegas, NM

Ivor and Olive Lewis on mon 20 aug 07

Dear Mars Chapman, ......

John B. Kenny, "Ceramic design" and "Ceramic Sculpture".

Bruno Lucchesi and Margit Malmstrom, "Terracotta. The Technique of Fired =
Clay Sculpture"

Stan Bitters, "Environmental Ceramics"

......will give you a foundation in general principles, though it sounds =
as though you do not need such information. Do you intend publishing or =
is this Course Work?

Best regards,

Ivor Lewis.
South Australia.

John Sankey on mon 20 aug 07

Hi Mars, I hope you'll post your paper to Clayart when you are
done; I'd very much appreciate any help in this.

I'm trying to imitate a Pueblo technique of adding pieces to
pots, sort of like thick applique. They used earthenware; I'm
using stoneware. I've found that I have to let the added pieces
dry a fair bit or they distort when pressed into the pot. The pot
has to be dry enough to trim, but then has to be moistened enough
to take the exact impression of the added piece. I use slip made
from the same clay for adhesive, then cover the piece to let
everything come to the same moisture level before final drying.
I've tried sodium silicate as a slip additive; it lets me use a
thicker slip but seems to have no other advantage. Yes, I'm
having problems with adhesion!

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