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extruding workshop in central texas - next weekend

updated tue 26 jun 07


David Hendley on sun 24 jun 07

I think this announcement got lost because of the Clayart
So, sorry for the last minute notice, but there are still a couple
of spaces available for my extruding workshop next weekend.
Calvert is an old historic town with lots of great old houses, nice
bed-and-breakfasts, and a main street of interesting shops.
It is close to College Station, between College Station and Waco.

"Extruding with Clay" A workshop with David Hendley

A two-day workshop with potter and extruder expert David Hendley
Saturday & Sunday, June 30th & July 1st
Mud Creek Pottery Studio
419 S. Main St.
In Downtown Calvert, Texas

Participants will be shown the ins and outs of extruding technology as
presented by one of the most knowledgeable potters in the state of Texas!

David Hendley's vast knowledge of extruding comes from years of using and
inventing ways of extruding clay to produce innovative designs in clay, both
functional and decorative. David has presented extruding workshops in all
regions of the country and in 2006 produced and published the three-volume
DVD set, "EXTRUDE IT! Getting the Most From Your Clay Extruder". The
demonstrations will cover using the extruder to create additions to
wheel-thrown pieces, as well as to produce the main body of the piece, die
design, and trouble-shooting. See his work at his website,

The workshop will include Demos by David Hendley on Saturday June 30th from
10:am to 5:00pm
Then there will be some time to relax and enjoy the shopping available in
town at the various stores in our Historic District before a casual Supper
at the Calvert Inn B&B on Texas Ave. Dinner is included in the workshop fee

On Sunday July1st from 1:00 to 4:00pm participants will be invited to try
out some of the methods and equipment on hand to get a feel for the way
extruding works.

The workshop fee is $125 per person. The workshop is open to those with all
skill levels, but is limited to 15 participants.
Contact Sonny Moss for more info at 1-800-670-8183 or

Sponsored by Calvert Institute for the Arts

David Hendley
Maydelle, Texas