Chris trabka on tue 15 may 07
There has been quite a bit of discussion on "handmade" and slipcasting.
However, when I searched the archives for any comments as to how extruding
fits in with "handmade" I found no hits this year.
Thus the question; Is extruded handmade?
Daniel Sommerfeld on wed 16 may 07
I've kept quiet until now, but you're killing me. Not only do I slipcast,
but the other half of my work is extruded!
Geez, I must be a hack. ha!
Dan Sommerfeld
Vince Pitelka on wed 16 may 07
Chris Trabka wrote:
> There has been quite a bit of discussion on "handmade" and slipcasting.
> However, when I searched the archives for any comments as to how extruding
> fits in with "handmade" I found no hits this year.
> Thus the question; Is extruded handmade?
Chris -
If you were extruding straight tubes, and selling them as straight tubes
with only slight cleanup, then it I don't see how you could call them
handmade. Otherwise, anything I can think of that you do with an extruder
requires considerable modification and assembly. So, just the same as
casting multiple components and then modifying and assembling them, the
result would clearly be handmade.
- Vince
Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft, Tennessee Technological University
Smithville TN 37166, 615/597-6801 x111,
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