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glaze test for lana's bronze aqua glaze, cone 6, ox.

updated fri 4 may 07


Alisa Clausen on wed 2 may 07

Glaze test for Lana's Bronze Aqua Glaze

Source: Ceramic Arts Buyers Guide, 2007

Credited to: Lana Wilson

Fired on mid fire white stoneware

Firing ramp with an electric controller is:
100c p/h to 600c (212f - 1112f)
150c p/h to 1140c (302f - 2084f)
80c p/h to 1220c (176f - 2228f)
15 min. soak
cool down max. to 900c (1652f)
Hold 30 minutes

Shut off kiln

Colorants or additives to a 100 gram batch are measured in percent to the
100 gram batch.
Substitutions in this test: Frit 3134 subbed with local Boron Frit,
Feldspar used is Forshammer, Boron Frit is subbed for Gerstley Borate. All
substitutions are done not by Mol. Wts., but gram for gram.

Amount Ingredient
50 Strontium Carbonate
50 Nepheline Syenite

100 Total
2.5 Pemco Frit 626 or Ferro Frit 3289 used local Boron Frit
3 Bentonite
4-8 Copper Oxide--Black

Unity Oxide
.176 Na2O
.054 K2O
.003 MgO
.014 CaO
.753 SrO
1.000 Total

.254 Al2O3
0 Fe2O3

1.123 SiO2

4.4 Ratio
10.7 Exp
Mat, overall green glaze. Darker where thickest, lighter green where
thicker, on higher parts of textured test tile. Lana advises can run where
very thick, but did not on tile. Where thickest yeilds bronze. My test
shows pretty much an even green with some variations in thick and thin. Can
be applied over a a white lichen glaze (Mark Bell's). My test showed a
lighter green overall.

Best regards from Alisa in Denmark.

Alisa Clausen on thu 3 may 07

On Thu, 3 May 2007 02:13:46 -0000, sacredclay wrote:

>funny that you mentioned this recipe. I just did a test on it also.
>Brush on nicely, spray on nicely, but best dipped.Matte green, kind of
>like teal hunter green. where it's thickest, it showed up red. Firing
>sceduale was ^6 oxidation to fast. No holding, no slow firing, just
>fast, within 6 to 8 hours, cooled on its own.also fired without plugs
>in the peepholes. This was done in 100 gram test. Will be making the
>1000 gram test to see how it suspends. Kathryn in NC --- In
>, Alisa Clausen wrote:
>> Glaze test for Lana's Bronze Aqua Glaze

Hi Kathryn
It is good to hear of other test results and compare. Your firing
schedule is right up and fast and off. Mine is a deal slower. You got
reds. My test is all green, the one more or less you describe.

Thanks for the notes,
Best regards in Denmark

sacredclay on thu 3 may 07

funny that you mentioned this recipe. I just did a test on it also.
Brush on nicely, spray on nicely, but best dipped.Matte green, kind of
like teal hunter green. where it's thickest, it showed up red. Firing
sceduale was ^6 oxidation to fast. No holding, no slow firing, just
fast, within 6 to 8 hours, cooled on its own.also fired without plugs
in the peepholes. This was done in 100 gram test. Will be making the
1000 gram test to see how it suspends. Kathryn in NC --- In, Alisa Clausen wrote:
> Glaze test for Lana's Bronze Aqua Glaze

sacredclay on fri 4 may 07

Alisa, Thanks for the kind words. It's just a different way of firing
that my boss, rick, do and it surprised the hell out of me enough to
post a question about it this past fall on clayart. The answers
clarified it enough for me. People just have different ways of doing
it. I'm just so excited about you doing the tests, as I'm going to
forward the whole thing to Him. It';ll be great to compare notes then.
Happy potting! Warmly, Kathyn in NC