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what do you use for wax resist?

updated sat 31 aug 96


Russel Fouts on wed 21 aug 96

Glad you asked.

Remember the discussion about "crayon resist"? Well I got out my 64 color box
of Crayolas and attacked my pots. Works great if you don't want precise detail
and like the "patchy" effect of the crayons. I can hear my senior art teacher
Arthur Clapp "BEAR DOWN ON THOSE CRAYONS, BEAR DOWN!" He'd be so proud.

Know what works even better? OIL PASTELS!! They're softer, easier to apply
and if you use a rough brush you can get some nice effects when the brush
scratches through the lines and makes the pastel move. BTW the "rough brush"
is a wisk I made by tying a bunch of bamboo scewers together.

SOMETIMES the pastels leave colors after the bisque but I haven't found a way
to use this yet. Ocher colored pastels go orange (gosh, I wonder why). I
bet'cha black pastels will go blue!

So, now I'm coloring on my pots with crayons, attacking them with sticks,
dipping them in mud, then wrapping them up like turkeys and burning them.
Maybe I belong in an institution. (Maybe if I start stomping on them, I can be
famous like Paul Soldner)

Russel (Getting ready to rain, again. "Summer" in Belgium)

* Russel Fouts, CI$: 100021,23,
Bruxelles, Belgium
Internet: 100021.23@CompuServe.Com

"It took more then one man to change my name to Shanghai Lil."
