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valve springs used in kiln frames...

updated mon 30 jun 97


Talbott on wed 4 jun 97

Richard... I think I paid less than $1 each for valve springs at the junk
yard... Most frames that I have seen are bolted together as they are
mounted around the actual kiln... During this time the springs are
installed...(as the frame is assembled around the constructed brick kiln
structure).. the frames purpose is to help maintain the structural
integrity of the kiln ... hence the springs provide a little more flex for
the expansion of the kiln during firing... they probably are not essential

>Hi Marshall,
>I looked into valve springs when I was designing my kiln. Expensive little
>suckers. Anyway, my frame is completely welded so springs aren't appropriate.
>I'll be leaving space for brick expansion inside - 1/8"-1/4" per course
>spaced between bricks.


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