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pinch pots/workshops

updated sat 30 nov 96


Dave and Pat Eitel on mon 11 nov 96

A few weeks ago there were two threads that I would like to respond to in
one message. They dealt with (1) what happened to that pinch potter Mike
Imes and (2) who would be somebody to get for a workshop. I just talked to
Mike, and he has agreed to have his address and phone number posted as
someone to contact about doing pinch pottery workshops. (A personal
observation--Mike is an extraordinary pinch potter and a fine person. He
currently teaches in a Waldorf school, is raising 3 kids, and makes some
fine pinch pots). He can be contacted as follows:

Mike Imes
W3468 County Road J
East Troy, WI 53120


Dave Eitel
Cedar Creek Pottery
Cedarburg, WI

Bob Hanlin on wed 13 nov 96

I'd like to see this thread continued and if Mike does any workshops, I hope
they're posted here. I'm am absolutly terrible pinch potter and would like
to learn from a master.
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>A few weeks ago there were two threads that I would like to respond to in
>one message. They dealt with (1) what happened to that pinch potter Mike
>Imes and (2) who would be somebody to get for a workshop. I just talked to
>Mike, and he has agreed to have his address and phone number posted as
>someone to contact about doing pinch pottery workshops. (A personal
>observation--Mike is an extraordinary pinch potter and a fine person. He
>currently teaches in a Waldorf school, is raising 3 kids, and makes some
>fine pinch pots). He can be contacted as follows:
>Mike Imes
>W3468 County Road J
>East Troy, WI 53120
>Dave Eitel
>Cedar Creek Pottery
>Cedarburg, WI
Bob Hanlin
3504 N. Tulsa
Oklahoma City, OK 73112


Leslie Goldenberg on thu 14 nov 96

While not a workshop, there is a fabulous book on pinch pots, called "Finding
One's Way With Clay" by Paulus Berenson. I highly recommend it.

I used the copy that belonged to the potter's guild in Ithaca, New York, but
never owned a copy. I would love to own one. Does anyone have a spare copy
to sell? Please e-mail me privately if you do.


Leslie Goldenberg