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new mexico potters

updated tue 24 jul 01


Carolyn Boeri on wed 22 oct 97

Hi fellow clay freaks,

A girlfriend and I are flying out to Albuquerque on Nov. 1 and are driving
up near Santa Fe, Taos, Chaco, and around and down to the Silver City area.
We are looking forward to seeing the state, its people and their crafts.
Are there potters out there that would like to show off their style? I am
slowly building a large two chambered Noborigama wood-fired kiln for large
outdoor sculpture but am also experimenting in terra cotta and painting on
majolica. I recently was surprised at a great combination I found by
mistake (usually the way) of painting on Moravian-like terra cotta tiles
with thin coat of majolica, frited oxide painting and covering with a
volcanic ash clear glaze. The va created a lovely patina on the whole tile
making it look like an antique tile yet there was no cracking of the glaze,
just small delicate peuter blue misshapen boxes all over. Very interesting
and exciting, hard to explain on e-mail. Anyway, always a researcher, I am
out in the field Nov. 1-9 and would be happy to see any other clay lovers,
artists, gallaries in NM.
Anyone out there?

mel jacobson on mon 23 jul 01

a clayarter, not working the list at present
wants info on claywork in new mexico.
tile work dominates.

contact me:
will try and forward info.
Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.A.
web site: