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nceca $$ bottom line?

updated fri 24 oct 97


Dan Saultman on sat 11 oct 97

Hello everyone,
I would like to talk my college into paying for my visit to my first
NCECA. Could someone suggest an estimated cost. Hotel, food etc. I am
not a member of NCECA do I need to join? Are there entrance fees? Maybe
someone has a feel for a budget neccessary for this?

Dannon Rhudy on sun 12 oct 97


You need to join to attend NCECA. You can do it now, or "at the
door" as it were. You can figure out the food easily enough -
eating out is eating out; figure how many meals you'll be having,
and the sorts of places you'll be having them. The hotel costs
for this one are a bit high; around $100/night. You could
possibly share with someone, or do what many do: find a less
expensive place to stay. Don't HAVE to stay at conference hotel.
You'll need to figure at least three nights; conference ends noon
Saturday. Sometimes it is cheaper to stay an extra night because
of the cheaper plane fares if you stay over on Saturday - if you
would be flying.

So, make a list, take it to the powers that be, and ask. Better
do it soon. Always takes forever for a "yes" answer. "No" can
be quicker.

Dannon Rhudy

Hello everyone,
I would like to talk my college into paying for my visit to my
NCECA. Could someone suggest an estimated cost. Hotel, food etc. I
not a member of NCECA do I need to join? Are there entrance fees?
someone has a feel for a budget neccessary for this?

Louis Katz on mon 13 oct 97

In a double at the Raddison I come up with $373 + food and Transportation
to Dallas Forth Worth Airport and 13% hotel tax. This includes five nights
US regular conference admission w/ bus tour half of a Double room
occupancy, and $20 for transportation to and from the airport.

Membership fees and Conference Registration

US regular $135
Canandian Regular $140
International Regular $150
US Student $95(with statement from dean or registrar verifying full-time
Canadian Student $100 (with statement from dean or registrar verifying
full-time status
International Student $110 (with statement from dean or registrar
full-time status

LATE Registration Fee (after March 11) $15
Wednesday Bus Tour Pass $5(for the day), Tours run from 10am to 5 pm. Our
hope is that the $5 fee will help us gauge numbers more accurately.

Radisson Plaza Fort Worth( Cheapest offiicial conference hotel)
Singles $75, Doubles, $85, $10 per additional person
(800) 333-3333 or (817) 335-7000
NCECA Membership and Conference Fee $135
Buss Tour (Wednesday 10-5) $5
Housing Costs
Tuesday- Saturday Night (5 nights) 5*$75 Single= $375
Double 5 nights 5* = $212.50 each
With four people in Two beds = $131.25
Transportation to and From the Airport (I think I remember it being about
$10 each way) $20
Plus Food. When I was a student I used to show up with a salalmi,
crackers, canned food, and some oranges.
Many people Fly in on Wednesday, but I always take the Bus tours, so I come
in Tuesday late in the day.
The Confernce is scheduled to end at 1PM on Saturday, But the open board
meeting is from 2-3 pm and I find it nice to go out to dinner Saturday
night with people I meet at the conference. So I stay till Sunday. If you
budget is really tight I would vote for including Tuesday night over
Saturday night.


Lisa P Skeen on tue 14 oct 97


How does one join NCECA?
Is that "joining fee" the cost for getting in the door? If not, what is
the entry fee?

An interesting aside: I heard a rumor that NCECA is coming to Charlotte.
If that's so, then I think I spent most of this past Saturday where
NCECA would be held; the Charlotte Convention Center. That place is
HUMONGOUS, to say the least, but the carpets are a horror, (a wild
conglomeration of pink, red, orange, and fuschia (sp?)), and god help
whoever has to unload their display on the street and haul it inside,
instead of using the loading docks. (I did it; it ain't fun.)

Lisa Skeen
Living Tree Pottery and Soaps

On Sun, 12 Oct 1997 09:32:36 EDT Dannon Rhudy writes:

>You need to join to attend NCECA.

Dannon Rhudy on wed 15 oct 97


I expect your question has already been answered by Louis' post
of yesterday re: costs. You can't attend the meetings, or the
demo's, or indeed anything much without one of the little tags
that are issued. You can't get a tag without joining. They do
have a daily charge, for those who just want to spend a day, but
it it not small either, don't remember what precisely. NCECA has
a website, probably all the information is there. I don't know
the URL just now, but it has been posted several times. Also,
are links from other websites. If you are travelling to get to
NCECA, then hardly worth it not to pay the whole fee. And, if
you can, pay early - saves $20 or so.

Dannon Rhudy


How does one join NCECA?
Is that "joining fee" the cost for getting in the door? If not,
what is
the entry fee?

An interesting aside: I heard a rumor that NCECA is coming to
If that's so, then I think I spent most of this past Saturday
NCECA would be held; the Charlotte Convention Center. That place
HUMONGOUS, to say the least, but the carpets are a horror, (a wild
conglomeration of pink, red, orange, and fuschia (sp?)), and god
whoever has to unload their display on the street and haul it
instead of using the loading docks. (I did it; it ain't fun.)

Lisa Skeen
Living Tree Pottery and Soaps

On Sun, 12 Oct 1997 09:32:36 EDT Dannon Rhudy

>You need to join to attend NCECA.

Louis Katz on wed 15 oct 97

Hi Lisa,

The fees listed for the conference include membership. I am not sure
of what mebership without conference attendance costs, I will try to
find out.

I believe that Charlotte is the site for 2001. Jim Connel will
probably correct me if I am wrong.
