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looking for 2nd hand kiln in the nethderlands

updated mon 30 sep 96


Hein Veenhof on tue 24 sep 96


Are there any Dutch readers of this newsgroup who want
to sell their kiln (OVEN in Dutch) to me. The volume of
that kiln must be at least 40x40x40cm.

Send me an email if you have a kiln for me or know a
friend who likes to sell one.

Hein Veenhof

| University of Twente
===> Ir. Hein M. Veenhof | Dept. of Computer Science
| Informations Systems Workgroup
| P.O. Box 217
phone : ++31-53-4894628 | 7500 AE Enschede
fax : ++31-53-4339605 | The Netherlands
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