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updated mon 13 nov 00


Naida Harris-Morgan on tue 12 nov 96

I tried posting this last week - but haven't seen it here we go

I am going to Daytona Beach over Christmas and was wondering if anyone
knows any potters, exhibits and supply stores that are worth visiting in
or near Daytona.

Many thanks,

Naida Harris-Morgan EMAIL -
Office of the Registrar TEL# - (416) 736-2100 ext. 30532
York University FAX - (416) 736-5444
4700 Keele St. North York
Ontario, M3J 1P3
" The next time you begin to think you are all-powerful, try ordering someone el

Phyliss Ward on fri 10 dec 99

I will be vacationing in Northern Florida ( between the triangle of
Orlando, Tallahassee, and Jacksonville) between Dec 12th and 20th. I
would love to visit any galleries, studios, or shows that I can in that
area. Can anyone help?


Robin E. McGregor on sun 12 nov 00

Hi All~

Leaving on vacation for Florida - Orlando/Disney and then Ft.
Lauderdale/Cooper City areas. Anything I shouldn't miss?


Robin McGregor
Manchester, NH