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donations & taxes

updated fri 31 jan 97


Michael McDowell on fri 31 jan 97

I've been sort of halfway following this thread for a couple of weeks now, and
I'm frankly surprised that most who have participated are focused on "the glass
is half empty". I'd like to propose that we all remember that "the glass is half

Since I do not keep detailed records of every step & misstep I make with clay &
glaze, I don't bother to keep any records of charitable donations of my work. I
know that the costs of producing the donated piece will automatically be
reflected in the annual calculation of my "cost of goods sold", so if I feel the
urge, I simply hand the piece over. I am free to make my donation in this way to
whatever cause or person I feel is deserving of the gift and I don't need to
verify that the recipient has valid tax exempt status. This means that I can
effectively write off my cost for any gift, whether to tax exempt charities or
to private individuals. After all, "Big Brother" is not yet standing over me to
verify whether a piece was lost in the glaze fire or given as a wedding present.
I think most potters are in the same situation, and to the extent that is true,
we should consider ourselves in very favorable circumstances with respect to
taxes & gifts.

Michael McDowell
Whatcom County, WA USA