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cobalt o2/cobalt silicate

updated mon 31 mar 97


Clay on thu 13 mar 97

1.6 parts of Cobalt Silicate = 1part of Cobalt Oxide
I just recently heard about this, & only apply on using as an ingredient of

Is this right?

I tested on one of my black. It work ....I think it is alright.

Any ...of my dear friend heard of this before..

Tom Buck on sun 16 mar 97

Clay: It is usually polite to say your town and country on this list
(although there are exceptions) to aid the responder to supply correct
advice. However, perhaps your request avoids geography. Yet, so far I have
seen cobalt II silicate mentioned only by people in western N.America.
The answer is:
Cobalt II,III oxide contains 73% cobalt metal (element).
Cobalt II carbonate basic contains 55% Co.
Cobalt II silicate contains 56% Co.
Hence, 100 parts oxide is equivalent to 133 parts carbonate and 130 parts
silicate. But because these materials of commerce are somewhat variable in
their composition, a proportion of 1.3 carbonate or silicate to 1 of oxide
more closely represents the real world.

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada


On Thu, 13 Mar 1997, Clay wrote:

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> 1.6 parts of Cobalt Silicate = 1part of Cobalt Oxide
> I just recently heard about this, & only apply on using as an ingredient of
> glazes. > Is this right?
> I tested on one of my black. It work ....I think it is alright.
> Any ...of my dear friend heard of this before..
(end of message)