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armatures in ceramics

updated mon 30 sep 96


jasper/anne on fri 20 sep 96

Hi! I am just wondering that besides newspapers and cardboards, are there
any other materials that I can use as armatures for ceramics sculpture?
Hope to hear from you soon.

P/S I have tried wood but it cracked the surface during the drying stage.

Mary Hays on sat 21 sep 96

Check out the book, "Sculpturing" by Domenico Mazzone. He gives detailed info
on all aspects of sculpture. It's easy reading and can be obtained thru your
local library. (Mary Hays)

Joan Segal LC on sun 22 sep 96

You can wrap newspaper around wire. The newspaper will allow for
shrinkage so gauge the amount you use on the shrikage factor of you clay

Rebecca A. Mason on sat 28 sep 96

What kind of wire? Copper would be too weak? Wire would melt or become
soft during firing and thus the clay would not crack???????

Rebecca - Albuquerque

On Sun, 22 Sep
1996, Joan Segal LC wrote:

> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> You can wrap newspaper around wire. The newspaper will allow for
> shrinkage so gauge the amount you use on the shrikage factor of you clay
> body.
> Joan