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^6-^10 copper red

updated fri 31 jan 97


LINDA BLOSSOM on mon 20 jan 97

When I find a cone 10 copper red glaze I test it at cone 6. Remembering
that copper reds are usually runny, I like to test them at 6 without
changing them. With other glazes I add some gerstley, but reds I don't
change. Since they are runny whether they are 10's or 6's when I fire
them, I often wonder how folks that fire at 10 keep them on the pot at all.
I just tested a glaze from CM, February 89, p. 28. I believe it is from
man in North Wales named Asenbryl. I say believe because the page was
removed and put in my glaze file and the recipes are on the back of the
last page of the article. Anyway, this glaze is opacified and at cone 6 is
a satin finish. I found it very beautiful and when a lot of things did not
get enough reduction, this test bowl was all red. Here's the recipe. If
anyone tries it at cone 10, I'd like to hear what it is like. Maybe I'd
add gerstley..

Mag carb 1.04
whiting 10.42
potash 57.29 I used custer
flint 31.25
Tin 3.13
copper oxide 1.04

Linda Blossom
2366 Slaterville Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850